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  • 豆瓣评分:6.2 年份:2022 地区:澳大利亚 类型:未知
  • 主演: 叶林·韩  露西·巴雷特  艾莎·迪伊  Daniel Monks  汉娜·巴洛 
  • 导演: 汉娜·巴洛  Kane Senes 
  • 简介: Cecilia and Emma were tween-age BFFs who were going to grow old together and never let anything come between them, until Alex arrived on the scene. Twelve years later, Cecilia is a successful social media influencer living the dream of an independent, modern millennial woman.. ... 详细 >
Cecilia and Emma were tween-age BFFs who were going to grow old together and never let anything come between them, until Alex arrived on the scene. Twelve years later, Cecilia is a successful social media influencer living the dream of an independent, modern millennial woman... until she runs into Emma for the first time in over a decade. Emma invites Cecilia away on her bachelorette weekend at a remote cabin in the mountains, where Alex proceeds to make Cecilia’s weekend a living hell. #triggered


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  • 星条红与皇室蓝

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  • 博很恐惧

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  • 最佳精选

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